Sacra Capilla del Salvador (Sacred Chapel of the Savior), Úbeda, Spain.

Sacra Capilla del Salvador (Sacred Chapel of the Savior), Úbeda, Spain. An outstanding example of Spanish Renaissance architecture in the historic and often overlooked town of Úbeda in the province of Jaén, Andalusia, Spain.  The church dates back to 1559 and was designed by renowned architects, Diego de Siloé and Andrés de Vandelvira.  A real piece of historical splendour.

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Sacra Capilla del Salvador, Úbeda, Spain

Sacra Capilla del Salvador (Sacred Chapel of the Savior), Úbeda, Spain

Sacra Capilla del Salvador – A Spanish Renaissance Wonder

The Sacred Chapel of the Savior of the World is a temple built under the patronage of Francisco de los Cobos as a pantheon attached to his palace in Úbeda (province of Jaén), in what is now called Plaza Vázquez de Molina.

Commissioned for construction in 1536, it was part of an extensive artistic program (which included his Palace, a University and a Hospital) 1 destined to raise the fame, fortune and personal glory that Charles V’s personal secretary had achieved, for which he turned to top-notch artists. The initial project was entrusted to Diego de Siloé from Burgos, while Andrés de Vandelvira was in charge of the project from 1540. The temple was consecrated in 1559. Its first chaplain was Deán Ortega, for whom the great palace that there is to the left of the main facade of the chapel.

The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more

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El Salvador was the most ambitious undertaking of all the private religious architecture of the Spanish Renaissance. Declared a historical-artistic monument in 1931, it has become, in turn, one of the most popular symbols of this city whose Renaissance monumental complex, which together with that of Baeza, was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 2003.

Úbeda & Beaza

The Spanish Renaissance Monumental Towns of Úbeda and Baeza.  The urban morphology of the two small cities of Úbeda and Baeza in southern Spain dates back to the Moorish 9th century and to the Reconquista in the 13th century. An important development took place in the 16th century, when the cities were subject to renovation along the lines of the emerging Renaissance. This planning intervention was part of the introduction into Spain of new humanistic ideas from Italy, which went on to have a great influence on the architecture of Latin America.

[footer01]The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more

The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more

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El Salvador war das ehrgeizigste Unterfangen aller privaten religiösen Architektur der spanischen Renaissance. 1931 zum historisch-künstlerischen Denkmal erklärt, ist es seinerseits zu einem der beliebtesten Wahrzeichen dieser Stadt geworden, deren monumentaler Renaissance-Komplex, der zusammen mit dem von Baeza 2003 von der Unesco zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt wurde.

Úbeda & Beaza

Die monumentalen Städte der spanischen Renaissance beda und Baeza. Die städtebauliche Morphologie der beiden Kleinstädte Úbeda und Baeza in Südspanien geht auf das maurische 9. Jahrhundert und auf die Reconquista im 13. Jahrhundert zurück. Eine wichtige Entwicklung fand im 16. Jahrhundert statt, als die Städte im Sinne der aufkommenden Renaissance saniert wurden. Diese Planungsintervention war Teil der Einführung neuer humanistischer Ideen aus Italien nach Spanien, die großen Einfluss auf die Architektur Lateinamerikas hatten.

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The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more

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El Salvador était l’entreprise la plus ambitieuse de toute l’architecture religieuse privée de la Renaissance espagnole. Déclaré monument historique et artistique en 1931, il est devenu, à son tour, l’un des symboles les plus populaires de cette ville dont l’ensemble monumental de la Renaissance, qui avec celui de Baeza, a été déclaré site du patrimoine mondial par l’Unesco en 2003.

Úbeda & Beaza

Les villes monumentales de la Renaissance espagnole d’Úbeda et de Baeza. La morphologie urbaine des deux petites villes d’Úbeda et de Baeza dans le sud de l’Espagne remonte au IXe siècle mauresque et à la Reconquista au XIIIe siècle. Un développement important a eu lieu au 16ème siècle, lorsque les villes ont été soumises à une rénovation dans le sens de la Renaissance naissante. Cette intervention de planification faisait partie de l’introduction en Espagne de nouvelles idées humanistes d’Italie, qui ont eu une grande influence sur l’architecture de l’Amérique latine.

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The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more

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El Salvador oli kunnianhimoisin yritys Espanjan renessanssin yksityisestä uskonnollisesta arkkitehtuurista. Se julistettiin historiallis-taiteelliseksi muistomerkiksi vuonna 1931, ja siitä on puolestaan tullut yksi tämän kaupungin suosituimmista symboleista, jonka renessanssin muistomerkkikompleksi, joka yhdessä Baezan kompleksin kanssa julistettiin Unescon maailmanperintökohteeksi vuonna 2003.

Úbeda & Beaza

Espanjan renessanssin monumentaaliset kaupungit Úbeda ja Baeza. Etelä-Espanjassa sijaitsevien kahden pienen kaupungin, Úbedan ja Baezan, kaupunkimorfologia juontaa juurensa maurien 800-luvulle ja Reconquistaan 1200-luvulla. Tärkeä kehitys tapahtui 1500-luvulla, jolloin kaupungit kunnostettiin nousevan renessanssin mukaisesti. Tämä suunnitteluinterventio oli osa uusien humanististen ideoiden tuomista Espanjaan Italiasta, joilla oli suuri vaikutus Latinalaisen Amerikan arkkitehtuuriin.

[footer01]The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more

The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more

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El Salvador var det mest ambitiösa företaget av all privat religiös arkitektur under den spanska renässansen. Deklarerades som ett historiskt-konstnärligt monument 1931 och har i sin tur blivit en av de mest populära symbolerna för denna stad vars monumentala renässanskomplex, som tillsammans med Baeza, förklarades som världsarv av Unesco 2003.

Úbeda & Beaza

Den spanska renässansen monumentala städerna Úbeda och Baeza. Den urbana morfologin i de två små städerna Úbeda och Baeza i södra Spanien går tillbaka till det moriska 800-talet och till Reconquista på 1200-talet. En viktig utveckling ägde rum på 1500-talet, då städerna genomgick renovering i linje med den framväxande renässansen. Detta planeringsingripande var en del av införandet i Spanien av nya humanistiska idéer från Italien, som fortsatte att ha ett stort inflytande på Latinamerikas arkitektur.

[footer01]The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more

The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more

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El Salvador fue la empresa más ambiciosa de toda la arquitectura religiosa privada del Renacimiento español. Declarado monumento histórico-artístico en 1931, se ha convertido, a su vez, en uno de los símbolos más populares de esta ciudad cuyo conjunto monumental renacentista, que junto al de Baeza, fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco en 2003.

Úbeda & Beaza

Los Pueblos Monumentales del Renacimiento español de Úbeda y Baeza. La morfología urbana de las dos pequeñas ciudades de Úbeda y Baeza en el sur de España se remonta al siglo IX morisco y a la Reconquista en el siglo XIII. Un desarrollo importante tuvo lugar en el siglo XVI, cuando las ciudades fueron renovadas siguiendo las líneas del Renacimiento emergente. Esta intervención urbanística fue parte de la introducción en España de nuevas ideas humanistas desde Italia, que pasaron a tener una gran influencia en la arquitectura de América Latina.

[footer01]The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more

The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more

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Salvadoras buvo ambicingiausias Ispanijos Renesanso privačios religinės architektūros projektas. 1931 m. paskelbtas istoriniu-meniniu paminklu, jis savo ruožtu tapo vienu populiariausių šio miesto simbolių, kurio Renesanso laikų monumentalus kompleksas kartu su Baezos kompleksu 2003 m. UNESCO buvo įtrauktas į Pasaulio paveldo sąrašą.

Úbeda & Beaza

Ispanijos renesanso paminkliniai miestai Ubeda ir Baeza. Dviejų mažų miestų Úbeda ir Baeza pietų Ispanijoje urbanistinė morfologija siekia maurų IX a. ir Reconquista XIII a. Svarbi raida įvyko XVI amžiuje, kai miestai buvo atnaujinti pagal besiformuojančio Renesanso stilių. Ši planavimo intervencija buvo dalis naujų humanistinių idėjų įvedimo į Ispaniją iš Italijos, kurios turėjo didelę įtaką Lotynų Amerikos architektūrai.

[footer01]The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more

The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more
The Spectacular Spanish Renaissance Architecture of Úbeda and Baeza, Spain.more

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Сальвадор был самым амбициозным предприятием частной религиозной архитектуры испанского Возрождения. Объявленный историко-художественным памятником в 1931 году, он, в свою очередь, стал одним из самых популярных символов этого города, чей монументальный комплекс эпохи Возрождения, вместе с комплексом Баэса, был внесен в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО в 2003 году.

Убеда и Беаза

Монументальные города испанского ренессанса Убеда и Баэса. Городская морфология двух небольших городов Убеда и Баэса на юге Испании восходит к мавританскому 9 веку и Реконкисте 13 века. Важное развитие произошло в 16 веке, когда города подвергались реконструкции в духе зарождающегося Возрождения. Это вмешательство в планирование было частью внедрения в Испанию новых гуманистических идей из Италии, которые в дальнейшем оказали большое влияние на архитектуру Латинской Америки.


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