Statue of Zeus & Europa in the Plaza de la Unión Europea, Torremolinos. Imaginary sculpture of the Abduction of Europa, represents the god Zeus transformed into a white bull and riding on him the Greek mythological goddess “Europa”, who in her right hand holds up a ring with twelve stars. Monument inaugurated in 2005 in the European Union Square in Torremolinos, province of Malaga.

Statue of Zeus & Europa in the Plaza de la Unión Europea, Torremolinos

Statue of Zeus & Europa in the Plaza de la Unión Europea, Torremolinos

In the square is the statue <El Rapto de Europa>, symbolizing Zeus turned into a white bull carrying princess Europa on his back. At Plaza de la Union Europea Toremolinos, there is the Monument to Europe, which is a white marble sculpture of Zeus as a white bull with Europa on his back. According to Greek Mythology, Europa was the beautiful daughter of the King of Tyre, a Phoenician king. Zeus saw her gathering flowers by the sea and fell in love with her. Zeus turned himself into a white bull and knelt before her very gently. Europa climbed on his back and the bull rushed toward the sea and kidnapped her. He revealed his true identity and brought her to Crete where he made love to her.