La Cala de Mijas is a small town between Fuengirola and Sitio de Calahonda. Popular with many, many tourists each year, La Cala (for short) has a fantastic beach and a genuine friendly feel. A pretty town with flowers and many parades and events throughout the year.

La Cala de Mijas
One of the oldest fishing villages in the area, the town has embraced tourism in a very nice way, there’s plenty for the visitor to do, but the town remains a ‘normal’, functioning town, with schools, municipal offices and more. The town offers an easy pace of life, as it has not been completely swallowed up by tourism, still retaining good facilities for locals.
It tends to be a town for the older folk, with not too much for kids. That said, there are plenty of playgrounds, particularly the one at Buttiplaya, with a bar and cafe onsite, so the parents can sit with a drink while the kids play. The beach just in front of the tower is pretty good too, with playgrounds and cafe/bars.
Torre de la Bateria de la Cala de Mijas
Right next to the main beach in the centre of town, you’ll find an amazing Moorish watchtower. During higher season months, the tower is open to the public, so you can go in and have a good neb around! The stairs are tiny, though. If you’re big (six feet or more), you’re going to find it very cramped. Once you get to the top, there’s a very nice view over the bay and the town.
The Boardwalk
As of 2020, the fantastic Mijas Coata Boardwalk stretches 6km from La Cala de Mijas, leading all the way to Cabopino passing through Calahonda. This first part of the boardwalk forms part of the Senda Litoral De Malaga (Malaga coastal path) which, when complete, will run from Nerja to Manilva and stretch over 160km. It’s a real bonus to the area and gives access to the wonderful beaches along this coastline. It also opens up access to many chiringuitos along the seafront, which were considerably more difficult to get to.
There’s only one drawback – the people on bikes. They whizz past at incredible speeds and I’ve been clipped by a passing pedal before, so has my five-year-old. In my humble, pedestrian opinion, the stupid, inconsiderate, self-satisfied, ludicrously-lycra-clad, nit-wit cyclists should been banned from the Boardwalk. I think now that in certain times of the day, this is the case. I certainly hope so. They are a pest. GET ON THE ROAD! Roads for wheels, footpaths for feet! That said, if you’re up for a decent stroll, this really is the thing to do! (Maybe take a stick to throw in to the wheel of a passing cyclist! Or maybe not, they’re probably protected as some kind of whining minority, or something.)
Stuff for the Kids
The beach at La Cala is great for kids! There are a number of playgrounds along the promenade, plus the Butiplaya playground is a great place to sit with a drink in the café, while the kids play in safety. There’s also a boat on the prom, way always great fun for my 4 year old.

On an Unrelated Note…
I’m sure you’re all quite familiar with this, but just in case not, I wanted to ‘big-up’ as the kids say, a little gem of a film from about 8 years ago. With a refreshingly descriptive title, “Giant God Warrior Appears in Tokyo” is about a giant warrior god, appearing over Tokyo. If you’re sick to death of trite celeb TV junk, I can’t recommend it highly enough. Here’s the link the English-subbed version, just in case you don’t understand Japanese. Even if you don’t understand Japanese – or English – it’s still worth spending 10 minutes watching!